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Who wants to be rich?

October 16, 2007

Years ago, I had this discussion with my cousin about being rich and life’s happiness. The big questions. By the way, I would choose the same thing now that I did back then. Some things never change. I am still fatally idealistic.

Click here for the whole chat.

Here’s an excerpt:

SonymolS: but u said rich and unhappy, so cann’t take medication to be happy
RO: happiness is just state of mine. being poor or rich is a concrete situation. I can change state of mind somehow.
SonymolS: hmm..that’s an interesting point
SonymolS: but in your scenerio your state of mind is unhappy when you are rich; so what’s wth epoint?
RO: poor people how happy cannot be rich. rich can easily be poor. atleast I would have the option.
SonymolS: poor people can be rich
RO: but its not as easy as rich people being poor
SonymolS: well; if i am poor and happy; it means i am in love, have tons of friends, love my job
SonymolS: if i’m rich and unhappy, i am in a loveless marriage, hate my job, and dont’ have any friends or yucky; who wants that? just to have “things”..I dont’ even like “things”
RO: you saying loveless marriage and good job is only reason for not being happy?
RO: poor as in dirt poor. U have no job, u have no friends. ur jus happy. it could be a mentally ill person that is running around the neighborhood happy
SonymolS: there are obviously millions of reasons to be unhappy; those are just the most obvious ones
SonymolS: well okay then; but he would be the same happy that I would feel w/ all those aforementioned thigns; so what’s teh difference?
SonymolS: i like that happy
SonymolS: happy is powerful; you get rich to be happy, if you can’t be happy, why get rich?
RO: soooooooooo happiness trumphs every other kind of emotion and circumstances?
SonymolS: i don’t mind being poor, if i’m happy
SonymolS: yup yup
RO: so does ur happiness trumphs over others happiness?


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